Friday, 2 December 2011

Timothy Egan on Gun Control

Jai singh | 03:38 | | | | |
The problem with your stance, Mr. Egan, is reflected in the very title of your article; your use of your far-Left qualifier 'Gun Nuts'. You hate us.

Reading your piece carefully, it seems to me to drip with barely concealed hostility to the notion of gun ownership. We of the NRA know that the Democratic Party is hostile to the public ownership of firearms. Gun Control is as fundamental a Democratic Party Plank as Abortion and Atheism. Democrats are fundamentally enemies of the 2nd Amendment. Look to where they've long-term roots, in overpopulated cities and states: NYC, Chicago, LA, Washington DC; all of these places are hostile to our rights to gun ownership. It's a well-known Democratic (and United Nations) political plank.

Mr. Obama's potential to damage the 2nd Amendment is as vast as any far-Left Democrat's; and recall his promise to 'fundamentally CHANGE this country'. We simply cannot afford him any trust.

As a member of the Left wing, you can point to many issues that you wish Mr. Obama had pushed farther Left; gun control being one of them. If we see Mr. Obama re-elected in 2012, unfettered with worries of re-election, then we will definitely see his far-Left anti-gun (and other far-Left) agendas in full bloom. We, the defenders of things Constitutional, cannot but continue to challenge him and other far-Left Democrats.

Oh, and please, never mention 'hunting' in the same article as 'gun rights'. The 2nd Amendment has absolutely *nothing* to do with hunting.

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