Saturday, 3 December 2011

Adam Carolla eviscerates Occupy Wall Street participants.

Jai singh | 14:15 | | | |
Adam Carolla picks up on the non-political but factual observations that Occupy Wall Street is envious, resentful, doped up, hateful, and pissed off. Their envy is boiling over, leading to their 15 minutes of infamy (including nearly 5000 arrests, several deaths from drug overdoses, rapes and molestations, and, worse than all of that, their embrace of old Marxist ideology). Adam points out that these children of kids are remarkably spoiled and expectant; I'll add that they are ideologically far-Left, approaching Communistic.

This video-rant brought a much-needed smile to my stone face. Observe that there is a 'Content Warning' (AKA 'trigger alert') for strong language that'll make your poor old mother blush. Or should, if you were raised halfway decently.

h/t Conservative Commune (yeah, I know, 'Commune' has those subliminal hippie connotations...but all the good blog names are already taken~!

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