Thursday, 31 July 2014

Thad Cochran, the GOP - RNC, and Losing More Slowly

Jai singh | 06:08 | | | | | | | | Be the first to comment!
Thad Cochran represents exactly what's wrong the GOP - RNC: they are an elitist thug-group, willing members of the Ruling Class, who seek only their own reinstatement to power regardless of what the majority of Republicans want.

What we grass-roots Republicans WANT is CHANGE from being shoved farther-Left every cycle. We've been pushed steadily Leftwards for the last 40 years.

The only coalesced group of Americans who are demanding a CHANGE in direction, and offer solid push-back against Leftists of all stripes, are those despised by both the mainstream RNC - GOP and the Democrats, the so-called TEA Party.

These RNC - GOP Ruling Class elitists will settle for "Losing More Slowly", that is, allowing these fundamentally-lost (and I'm willing to term them un-American, given their stature in comparison to Americans past) Democrats to win by giving in to "Pragmatic" agreements that ratchet the Center ever Leftwards.

Then, leaving no time to weigh consequences, the Democrats come back with their practiced full-on tantrums (see: Barack Obama's ongoing Clown Show since his election), demanding even more movement Leftwards.

The Ruling Class RNC - GOP seems always willing to pragmatically give more ground, every time they're faced with a boisterous, loudmouthed, dedicated group of shouting Leftists. Without a group equally charged opposing these rabid dogs, we can't stop our Republic's Center from eroding. There's no pendulum left to swing back, to CHANGE direction, because the current RNC - GOP leadership isn't strong enough; and worse, they've adopted the habits of the Democrats. Having already 'arrived' in power and perks, the GOP - RNC leadership lacks desire to put in the effort it will take to CHANGE, or even strongly oppose, our Republic's fatal shift to Leftism.

It's past time we abandon this current lineup of GOP - RNC Ruling Class elitists. We can't stop this Republic from failing due to unsustainable fiscal policies and raunchy social squalor unless we STOP the GOP's willingness to allow this steady "Losing More Slowly" ratcheting-to-Left that we, the meek GOP VoteCash Cows are expected to unquestioningly fund with our votes and donations.

ABANDON the GOP. There's no other way to stem our slide, now that the GOP - RNC pulls stunts like they did in the Mississippi Senate runoff, reinstating the senile, tottering old RINO Thad Cochran by showing how easy they too can play the Democrats' games when the need arises.

We must STOP the Leftward-March of the GOP - RNC - the Democrats, or we will implode this Republic in a coming struggle like no one alive has ever seen before.

GOP, RNC, the Democrats, John McCain, Bob Corker, Ruling Class, Losing More Slowly, ABANDON THE GOP

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Tuesday, 29 July 2014

760 Illegal 'Children' Dumped in Tennessee by ORR

Jai singh | 20:42 | Be the first to comment!
The ORR (Office of Refugee Resettlement, whaaa? Obama's Dump Truck) just dumped 760 kiddos in Tennessee, all quiet like.

TN’s Gov. Haslam (R, GOP Elitist) has submitted the standardized-form questions to Barky..
1. What was the process for determining that these children should be released to sponsors in Tennessee?
2. How did you locate and evaluate the fitness of their sponsors?
3. What medical screenings were the children given prior to their release in Tennessee?
4. What is the official immigration status of these children and their sponsors?
5. In what localities are these children now residing?
6. What are the legal requirements concerning the provision of services for these children while they are in the state?
7. What additional information is available on these children, such as age and health status?
8. How long will these children be in Tennessee?

Tennessee is a diverse and welcoming state, and we also understand that this is a complicated issue. However, an influx of unaccompanied immigrant children to the state, with little information being made available to the public or to state leaders, creates confusion and could be very problematic. The start of school is approaching for many districts across the state, and the federal government’s actions have caused great uncertainty around this issue.

I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to receiving a response to these urgent questions.

Sincerely, Bill [Pablum] Haslam
There’s more coming, regardless Haslam’s meek letter.

How I’d like to trade him for Texas Governor Rick Perry!..
“Obama, you ne0-C0mmie fink, I’m sending MY National Guard to the Texas border to keep YOUR hoodlums OUT!
Sincerely Fuck Off, Rick [My Ballz are Bigger'n Yours] Perry

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Tuesday, 8 July 2014

"The Last Refuge", "Conservative Treehouse" blog moderates AND changes comments!

Jai singh | 20:42 | Be the first to comment!
This just won't stand. I don't suffer moderation very well.

I haven't spent all that much time reading "The Last Refuge", AKA "Conservative Treehouse" very often, except when something there is linked from somewhere I do spend time (e.g., Protein Wisdom).

This post by "Sundance", linked to from comments in pw...

BINGO !! – Maybe Obama’s Just Trying To Stack Inner City School Chess Club’s… simply a run-of-the-mill, offhand post built around a photo of some of the so-called refugee 'Children' streaming across our borders. Not kids at all, but seemingly gang members, MS-13 sorts. Not the kind of immigrants we want to encourage, and certainly well-fitting the "alien immigrant" designator.

No problems there.

Further down in comments, an offensive, slimy thing by "vikingbitch", reblogged from a post at  "vikingbitch's Blog" (AKA blondegynocyde dot wordpress dot com (!)).

So, I left a comment, calling him / her out on it's anti-Semitism. I pointed out the problems with any one human thinking, because of skin color or nationality, that s/he is any better than another human configured to look differently. Because both humans are but decanters of souls. Passed out at conception, btw.

The comment I left was hung in moderation. I know better than to just walk away, leaving my poor comment all stretched out for none to see, so I took a screenshot of the comment I responded to, and of my comment, responding.

Because I have this blog, not used so much anymore, but certainly good enough for exposing moderation,, wot? a possible nest of White Supremacists ?

Conservative Treehouse Blog AKA The Last Refuge, are you attracting - harboring White Supremacists?

No wonder Conservatives can't have nice things!

Here's the screenshots. You can be the judge...

There you have it.

"Sundance", you care to respond? You'll go into moderation, sure, but likely you'll get through.

'Splain yourself!


Threw down the gauntlet.

Just shakin' the Tree, is all.


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