Thursday 12 July 2012

In which I respond to @Karoli's fainting-couch squeals of RAGE!

Jai singh | 05:27 |
This is the exact text of a comment I tried to leave on this far-Left troll's website. It won't see the light of day, but it does see the light! And really, that's all that matters, in'it?

"Every single time I do it I keep hoping that the tech gods and goddesses of Silicon Valley will at last arrive at some sort of solution for the online kind. Sadly I can only report that the more things change, the more they stay the same."

Because you would also fall, by your own wishes and rules, to the same wishes and rules you long for. You are calling for your own self-destruction.

You see, you too are a troll, to me, and to everyone on the Right side of issues. You are a denizen of KOS, that hateful, spiteful platform written in far-Left ideology for the comfort of far-Left haters, that's closed to any but the slack-jawed fervents. You too are associated with some of the worst characters of the Left, and you too spew frightfully hateful ideology against those you disagree with. That you post here, in a concerted state of the vapors, with a fainting couch propping you up, is proof that you've no idea whatsoever about what is political discourse in the social media age. Tell you what: you speak out against this super-troll who posted his hatred for all to see, and I'll take you seriously. But you can't, because you too are the same sort of troll.

Key on these, please:
shoq, @shoq twitter, trolls, bullies, KOS, DailyKos, karoli, @karoli Twitter, #StopRush twitter, Official StopRush SlideShow


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