Tuesday 3 April 2012

COTD (Comment of the Day) Award: palaeomerus at protein wisdom...

Jai singh | 05:16 |
...commenting on "Here's what's "unprecedented": a sitting President firing warning shots at the Supreme Court".

Heh. I think he's captured the 'inner' Barack Obama quite succinctly. Speaking of Barack Hussein OBAMA:
A fat headed pretentious “constitutional scholar” who thinks he is a master loop hole spotter, who thinks his “education” somehow authorizes him to drift through legal barriers like Casper the Friendly Ghost, and erect new barriers at will like Morbius sitting in the Krell mind machine, is nothing but a bullshitter. The fault lies with the people who accept his bullshit as more than bullshit. The fault lies with the men and women charged to prevent him, who do NOTHING and merely shrug.

He says:

“Fuck your constitution. Your constitution is a lot of naive sweet pillow talk scribbled out on an old piece of paper, produced by men I hold in contempt, purely to entice the reluctant states and their denizens into very real set of shackles that exist for your own protection, as a lesser breed of men. Those shackles will bind you and yours for all time. This constitution you prattle on about, was not meant to restrain men of vision and purpose like me. It is your cage. Your constitution is like the yellow line in the middle of a two way road. It won’t stop a vehicle or an animal. It will only stop a weak willed driver who sees it and believes in it. Your yellow lines won’t stop a man like me. We are living under my constitution. My constitution comes from the throat of an angry mob and the barrel of a gun and from the pens of infiltrators and radicals and your betters who will allow you to live only the life the you deserve to live. I will paint yellow lines and you will obey them. I will step over the yellow lines I did not paint and the ones I did. I will punish you for ignoring my lines. I will reward others who punish you. Any questions? Who cares? Fuck your questions. I won. I have the keys to “the car” and I don’t need you anymore. I am ABOVE your questions. I am above 2010. Prove me wrong bitches. I dare you. “
Another question: did far-left airhead Elena Kagan 'spill the beans' about the SCOTUS ObamaCare vote to her master Obama?

Does a Kraken shit in the ocean?

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