Monday 25 July 2011

"Barack the Mad: The American presidency comes off the rails."

Jai singh | 05:45 | |
That's the best headline I've seen all day, and just had to link to it.


Barack the Mad

The American presidency comes off the rails.

On Friday, right after his Democrat colleagues in the Senate used a procedural maneuver to kill the Cut, Cap and Balance Act without a real vote, President Obama held a town hall meeting at the University of Maryland before a carefully screened, very supportive audience. He said a few interesting things in this relaxed and comfortable environment.

Obama blamed divided government for the debt ceiling crisis. “I’m sympathetic to your view that this would be easier if I could do this entirely on my own,” he told a questioner who brought up the theory, fashionable in some liberal circles, that the 14th Amendment gives the President power to raise the debt ceiling unilaterally. The President went on to remark, with a chuckle, that this would give him more time to spend with his daughters.

In addition to recoiling in horror at the thought of America’s chief executive being arrogant enough to even speculate about the joys of dictatorship out loud, a thoughtful town hall attendee might ask why the Democrats didn’t balance the budget when they had total control of Washington from 2009 to 2010, and point out that they have controlled both houses of Congress since 2006. But you’re not supposed to ask questions like that.

Obama also told his audience that “it’s hard to keep up with all the different plans” for handling the debt crisis. No, it isn’t. There’s are only two real plans: the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act, which enjoys the support of a huge majority of Americans, or leaving the debt ceiling where it is. There are no other plans. There are only vague outlines… absolutely none of which have come from President Obama, who has made no concrete proposals at all.

The President trotted out his focus-grouped buzz phrase, “balanced approach,” by which he means some combination of tax increases and spending reductions. “It’s a position that has been taken by every Democratic and Republican president who’ve signed major deficit deals in the past, from Ronald Reagan to Bill Clinton,” he said.

Is that the full panorama of the American experience now? Ronald Reagan to Bill Clinton? We’re lucky we have a genius President who can keep all that history straight. And if these “balanced approaches” taken by three of the four previous presidents in American history – rather pointedly excluding George W. Bush – were so wonderful, then why the hell do we have a $14 trillion national debt?

But, again, you’re not supposed to ask questions like that, and Obama’s people made certain the “town hall” contained no one likely to do so.

On the topic of his conduct so far, the architect of the new Depression said, “we’ve made good choices so far.” (I am not making this up. He really said that.) He also declared, “The United States of America doesn’t run out without paying the tab. We pay our bills. We meet our obligations.”

Um… Mr. President? Running a huge deficit means, by definition, that you are not “paying your bills,” and you are the one who keeps threatening that your government will not “meet its obligations,” by shutting off Social Security checks, veterans benefits, and other essential services.

It’s time to face the unpleasant truth. President Barack Hussein Obama has gone mad.

Maybe not 'mad' in the Hatter sense of the word, but certainly 'not up to the job', 'underqualified', a 'poor choice'. A 'Joker'.

Seems Rush Limbaugh was right. Barack Hussein Obama was doomed to fail.

A good thing, that failure, IF we can get this little Republic back on track to be a successful haven for Capitalism and free thinking, as the founding fathers envisioned, and as once we were.

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