Saturday 30 July 2011

Charles M. Blow, New York Times' Racialist, attacks "Captain America".

Jai singh | 04:40 | | | | | |

It illustrates just how quickly things can fade into the fog of history if not vigilantly and accurately kept alive in the telling.

That is why the racial history of this country is not a thing to be toyed with by Hollywood. There are too many bodies at the bottom of that swamp to skim across it with such indifference. Attention must be shown. Respect must be paid.

So as “Captain America” ended and the credits began to roll, I managed a bit of a smile, the kind that turns up on the corners with a tinge of sadness. I smiled not for what I’d seen, but for what had not been shown, knowing that I would commit it to a column so that my grandfather and the many men like him would not be lost to the sanitized vision of America’s darker years.
Why am I not surprised that you, Charles, would dredge deep in the bile-pit of your deep-seated racial hatreds to pull out an attack on a shallow science fiction film such as 'Captain America'? Do you not realize that it it 'acquiescence to black leaders' that such films 're-write history' for the purpose of helping bury angst and resentments such as yours?

Why don't you just let these evil past wounds you're keeping bleeding-fresh heal? Or do you need to keep these hatreds burning, in order to earn a paycheck?

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