Friday 29 July 2011

Stay Staunch, House Tea Party Freshman Class

Jai singh | 05:37 |
We've managed to buy another day; the House vote Boehner was counting on never materialized. The Tea Party freshman class turned him back. Democrats are digging in, hoping to get that bill sent to Harry Reid today, so they can...dump it and substitute their own gimmick-ridden plan (which should be as Dead On Arrival in the House as the House bill is in the Senate). Why can't Democrats realize that they MUST curtail the spending of public monies, that their game is OVER?

Democrats are fighting tooth and nail to save their shifted to far-Left, now nothing but a neo-Socialist and becoming ever-more-Marxist Party from extinction. Because, if Government 'spending' is truly and effectively curtailed (as MUST be done, just ask the credit rating agencies), how then will they they buy the votes they need to stay in power?

Democrats have become the Looters; attracting the lowest-level of society's Moochers with Other People's Money. They've worked this game since LBJ's Great Society program began back in '68, and today, there's nothing else they've to offer that's attractive enough to rake in Party-line votes. So, they are fighting for their political lives; hoping to save their miserable LeftLibProgg culture of thievery and redistribution.

Stay staunch, #TeaParty. Keep this fight alive, because it's time to stop our Republic's slide into Dirty Socialisms. If not now, when?

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